Carbon capture
and storage

Reduction of CO2 emissions is an international issue, requiring international solutions

Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) is the most valuable technology that exists to fight climate change. That’s the international consensus.

In the UK, the Energy Technologies Institute estimates that costs will rise by 40% or an extra 1% of GDP. The CCS Cost Reduction Taskforce calculates that significant savings can be made if investment is made into developing new capture technologies.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that gas and coal use will continue to rise. The UN estimates that without CCUS technologies the cost of meeting ambitious climate change targets will increase by 138% worldwide.

In the UK, the Energy Technologies Institute estimates that costs
will rise by 40% or an extra 1% of GDP.

Knowledge sharing

The shared knowledge of the ITCN contributes significantly to the development of cost-effective, commercial CO2 capture technologies.

With semi-annual workshops, ITCN members have tackled critical issues of post-combustion capture such as emissions and degradation of amine-based solvents, permitting requirements, and control of aerosol formation. Results of the in-depth studies conducted by the network are published for public benefit.